How to booking precongress workshop.
  1. Login to But if you don't have an account. Please create account by click at the button below.
  2. Go to Menu Profile Section and select sub menu box Precongress Workshop.
  3. Now you will be at Precongress workshop information section. Then you can select the option between “I am interested” or “I am not interested.” And then click at box of Save & Submit.
  4. When you have submitted your order by clicking the button above. The association will send details of payment process to your email within 2 days. (You must complete the payment within 5 days after receive the email.) Then, We will create order to your TOSSMCONGRESS account (you can see at “your order” in registration section).
  5. Next, once the payment is finished. TOSSMCONGRESS will send payment receipt and order confirmation to your email.
* The association has a no refund policy on payment paid for The Precongress Workshop registration.
** For more information please contact
or Tel: [ Thai ] +66 6 2614 4884 Yuwadee Suradanai [Mei]
[ Thai / English ] +66 94 681 2992 Thanasub Sopaladawan [Beam]